Podcast – Integration and Health Insurance in Ireland

10 Jun

Podcast – Integration and Health Insurance in Ireland

This week Claimsure Sláinte Ireland’s  Managing Director Colm Nagle was the first guest from outside North America to appear on the Lets Talk Integration podcast hosted by iNTERFACEWARE Inc.

The show covers:

• How Claimsure has used integration to improve operational efficiency for insurers and hospitals

• How Iguana is being used to service all of Claimsure’s insurance claim traffic

• Patient administration systems used in Ireland vs EMR systems being used in the United States

• Next big interoperability challenge in Ireland: building connectivity across the entire health sector

Click here to listen.



01 Jun

Achieving ROI with Integration

Watch: Achieving ROI with Integration

Claimsure Slainte, in conjunction with our integration partners, Interfaceware were delighted to host a presentation on “Achieving Return in Investment with Integration” at the Canadian Embassy on May 30th 2017.

The presentation, given by our Managing Director, Colm Nagle, was attended by key members of the HSE and a number of Private Hospitals, gave an insight into Claimsure’s integration solutions, which facilitate data integration within healthcare organisations in Ireland.

Interfaceware logo

Watch: Achieving ROI with Integration



11 Nov

Claimsure turns 10

Today marks the 10th anniversary of Claimsure and its business services.

The company first launched its claims revenue management software in 2006 and since then, it has grown both its resources and market; in 2016 alone, Claimsure processed 50,000 claims totaling €2.3 billion approximately. This brings the count to 400,000 claims processed over Claimsure’s 10 year history.

Colm Nagle, Managing Director, commented on the record year. “We are delighted to celebrate the 10 year mark for Claimsure and are incredibly proud of what we have achieved over this period. We look forward to continued growth and service delivery among existing and new clientele in the future.”

Further, below is an original concept sketch of the Claimsure software solution; it was from this initial framework that the technology originated.

To find out more about Claimsure or any of our services, get in touch with us today.

Claimsure sketch



27 May

Claimsure Conference

Claimsure, in association with parent company Clanwilliam, hosted a client conference on Wednesday 25th May in the Heritage Hotel, Kilinard, Co. Laois.

Attendees heard presentations from our Claimsure service professionals on managing private insurance in public hospitals: specifically, the recently formed Memorandum of Understanding and managing the claims process with Claimsure. Insights were also presented on Claimsure’s ‘Professional Services’ and new incoming features on the Claimsure product.

To find out more information from the Conference or on Claimsure in general, please get in touch here.

Claimsure Conference

Claimsure Conference

Claimsure Conference



09 Dec

Claimsure Deployment Across Acute Public Hospitals in Ireland

The deployment of Claimsure across all acute public hospitals throughout Ireland is now complete.

Claimsure improves the efficiency and accuracy of private health insurance claims management across the HSE.

Claimsure electronically manages all aspects of a Hospital’s claim, from patient admission to discharge, including e-submissions to health insurance providers. It replaces the existing paper processing of claims and integrates with the Hospital’s admissions and billing systems.

The rollout was managed in 4 phases, starting in late 2012. The last acute public site, Mayo, went live in December 2015. The national project team was made up representatives from HBS Finance, Office of the CIO and Claimsure Sláinte Ireland.

This project was completed on time and within budget, a major achievement for all involved.



06 Dec

Claimsure Joins Clanwilliam

Leading healthcare, technology and services company, Clanwilliam, today announced that it has acquired Claimsure Sláinte (Ireland) from Sláinte Healthcare, the international healthcare technology company.

The Claimsure software applications are in use throughout over 50 hospitals in Ireland, both Public and Private with customers including the HSE and numerous private hospitals.

The deal allows Sláinte Healthcare to concentrate its resources on Vitro®, an electronic platform facilitating products as diverse as electronic health records, detainee case management and civil registration. Vitro is used in over 130 facilities worldwide including Ireland, Australia, the Middle East, Brazil and Central Africa.

Claimsure’s hospital claims management and services solution is associated with better accuracy while reducing the cost of processing insurance claims. Reporting is improved and there is full tracking and visibility of claims, with tools designed to help better manage the flow of documents. The software allows the capturing of patient signatures and consultant data electronically and facilitates electronic submissions to the insurers.

Howard Beggs, CEO of the Clanwilliam, said:

“Clanwilliam is in many ways the perfect home for Claimsure Sláinte Ireland. Our priority is finding businesses we can partner with to deliver lasting growth, and Claimsure can now draw on the resources and expertise of the wider Group as it expands into the future. Claimsure customers will continue to deal with the people they know and trust, with 29 staff members transitioning to Clanwilliam as part of the acquisition. Collaboration with the existing Claimsure team will be fundamental – they are the ones that have driven growth to date and created a thriving business with clients ranging from Beacon Hospital to the HSE. To that end, I am delighted to confirm that the founder of Claimsure and Sláinte Healthcare, Andrew Murphy, will remain involved with the Claimsure business.”

Commenting on the sale of Claimsure Sláinte (Ireland), Andrew Murphy, Chief Executive Officer at Sláinte Healthcare said: “Following a strategic review of our business earlier this year, we came to the conclusion that our Claimsure business unit and our Vitro units have very different characteristics we put plans in place to separate out the businesses with a view to running them independently. As we were working through this plan, we had an approach from Clanwilliam, the output of which is the deal we are announcing today.

I am extremely proud of what we have achieved in our Claimsure and related services business since starting as a one person office nine years ago. I’m satisfied that this transaction will enable the Claimsure business to thrive as an independent entity and ensures further substantial investment in the Claimsure, Billsure and related service businesses into the future”

On the future of Claimsure, Andrew said: “In concluding this deal, we took great care to ensure that all of our Claimsure clients continue to receive the same quality of service they have become accustomed to in recent years. Personally, I will continue to be involved as a Director in the Claimsure business. I am extremely confident that the business will thrive even further under Clanwilliam’s direction and future investment.”

Claimsure has joined other businesses in the Clanwilliam including Medical Billing experts Medical Management Services, Socrates, Helix Health (RxWeb), and DGL Practice Manager. To find out more about Clanwilliam, visit www.clanwilliamgroup.com.




23 Nov

Beacon Hospital Goes Live with our Claims Management Software Claimsure

Claimsure Sláinte Healthcare, the international healthcare technology company has announced its 51st hospital partnership today with the installation of its software, ‘Claimsure’ at Beacon Hospital in Dublin. The software is helping hospitals throughout the country to manage their cash-flow by changing the way in which insurance claims are processed.

Claimsure, is installed in over 80% of hospitals throughout the country and processes approximately €1.4bn in insurance claims annually. Claimsure’s installation in Beacon Hospital will enable the Hospital to reduce costs, debt and the administrative burden on the hospital, which will in turn benefit its over 80,000 patients per annum.

“On meeting Claimsure Sláinte, it was obvious that they had an unrivalled knowledge of the hospital sector and the claims process. We had a demanding implementation timeline and we were very impressed that it took Claimsure Sláinte an unprecedented six days to get live from the initial green light. That implementation time reflects not just the effort of Claimsure Sláinte but also the commitment of our own staff in facilitating such a rapid turnaround. Claimsure Sláinte’s knowledge of the sector and their vast experience in deploying their software to hospitals throughout the world has been invaluable to this Hospital and will ultimately enable us to deliver greater efficiencies for our staff and our patients.”

Claimsure increases efficiencies in budget management and cash flow for hospitals by enabling health insurance claims to be processed electronically. It was the first product developed by Claimsure Sláinte when it launched on the market in 2007. In 2012, the public health system, by way of an EU open procurement process, selected Claimsure as its national Health Insurance Management System.

