HPM was designed so that the majority of your patient information can be seen at a glance. Specific alerts about the patient, drug allergies and any other allergies can be seen immediately on opening the patient file.

Prescriptions can be generated by reprinting an existing prescription or by creating a new one. Repeat prescriptions can be viewed on a daily basis for batch printing, saving you the time involved in printing them separately.

The exams module in HPM has been designed to ensure ease of use and improve workflow. When blood results or lab results are returned from the hospital, they can be organised and dealt with in the exam management section

Text messages can be used as an inexpensive and effective method of communicating with your patients. Reminders for appointments, tests, lab results, smears etc. can be easily sent to the patient using popular technology that patients will respond to.

Data subject access requests – investigate and manage all data access requests and export patient notes to ensure that they can easily be completed within the 1-month mandatory timeline outlined by GDPR.
Data auditing – Reporting functionality to assess, monitor and report on how, when and where your data is accessed.
Product access security enhancements – improved system passwords to include expiry dates, appropriate levels of character complexity and mandatory minimum password lengths.
The right to be forgotten – We facilitate any right to be forgotten requests that you may receive by providing a dedicated support function to qualify and process any such requests that have met a pre-determined set of GDPR compliant conditions.
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