Clanwilliam Integration Partnership Programme

Supporting an open and collaborative e-health eco-system

Welcome to our Integration Partnership Programme.

We are committed to collaborating with partners to deliver greater value and functionality to our General Practice Customers – ultimately leading to better, more connected care for everyone.

About our Programme

We believe in the power of collaboration to enhance healthcare for everyone. Our vision is to create a seamlessly integrated and interoperable e-health ecosystem, ensuring healthcare providers have secure access to the right patient information at the right time. With over 25 years of successful partnerships, we understand that collaboration is key to realising this vision.

Our programme fosters a more connected e-health ecosystem, delivering greater value and functionality to our software users and ultimately better care for everyone. Security and compliance are at the heart of this programme.

If you have a product or service that you think would be useful to our primary care customers and are interested in integrating with one or more of our GP products (HealthOne, HPM, Socrates), we’d like to hear from you. Our integration partnership programme is open to all.



Integration Programme 8 Key Steps

Reach out! Contact us and let us know who you are and what you’d like to collaborate/integrate on, and we’ll set up an initial meeting.

Initial Concept Meeting(s). Share your idea or demonstrate your service, explaining how it benefits General Practice. We may invite GPs, Practice Managers, or Admin staff to provide feedback. A mutual NDA (non-disclosure agreement) can be completed at this stage, either at the outset or after initial meetings, based on your preference.

Partner Assessment. We’ll help you complete a Partner Assessment document covering Data Privacy (GDPR), Security, and Financial information. This ensures comprehensive evaluation and addresses aspects such as Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), patient data access, and consent mechanisms. The security of patient data is paramount for us, and it’s important for us to review this together carefully.

Technical Solution Development. Develop the technical solution and gain access to a test environment. This stage involves assessing the development work required to integrate your product into our systems and considering our existing roadmap.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Develop a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the terms of the collaboration, including roles, responsibilities, and expectations for both parties.

End to End Testing. Conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve any issues. Our experienced testing team will ensure a robust integration ready for live deployment.

Pilot Customer Deployment. Release your service to a small number of sites and gather feedback. Address any issues in the test environment before re-deployment. This stage ensures a reliable system before full rollout.

Full Rollout and Partner Recognition. Roll out your integration to all sites in one or more GP systems. Ongoing feedback will be shared with you, and we will manage and maintain your integration, including future updates as part of our quarterly updates. Achieve full approval sign-off and partner recognition.


Current Partners Include


Ready to Collaborate?

If you’re interested in collaborating with us, please reach out to our team to get started. We look forward to exploring potential opportunities together.

Download our brochure to read more about the benefits of our programme, and the process to joining our robust and secure partner network.


Request a demo

Request a demo with one of our Product Specialists

Request a demo

Request a demo

Request a demo with one of our Product Specialists