Affidea continue to accept diagnostic referrals for both insured & uninsured patients. Please send in your referrals as normal and our team with be in touch with your patients regarding a suitable appointment. There is also now a quicker turnaround time in reporting scans. You can refer through our electronic referral system https://www.affidea.ie/electronic-referring/ or by emailing appointments@affidea.com The Affidea ExpressCare Clinics in Tallaght & Cork continue to operate providing an alternative to public Emergency Departments. Co-located within the Affidea diagnostic centres, patients have onsite access to x-ray, MRI & CT.

Alliance Medical
Alliance Medical wish to inform the GP community that despite the COVID-19 crisis, our diagnostic imaging centres are open to provide our patients with their diagnostic scans and faster diagnosis. Our diagnostic imaging centres are following all COVID-19 safety precautions as guided by the HSE and NHS to ensure the safety of patients and staff. You can refer through our online referral system safely and securely at https://www.alliancemedical.ie/refer-a-patient-online/ or by emailing info@alliancemedical.ie.

Beaumont Private Radiology
Beaumont Private Radiology is open and operating with Covid precautions. Still accepting referrals for CT, ultrasound, DEXA, mammography and plain films.

Bon Secours Hospital Cork
The Bon Secours Hospital Cork is working closely with the HSE to support the community requirements for medical care during the current COVID-19 outbreak. As a result many of the hospital services have been curtailed. The MAU/PAU is operational Mon-Fri (8am-4pm). The Surgical pathway is direct-to-ward via Bookings ADON/General Surgeon. The current clinical exclusion criteria, are 1. Known COVID-19 2. Any severe respiratory illness moderate/severe illness in any clinically high-risk patients. We will continue to accept mild/moderate respiratory illness in previously well patients, and all cardiac illness as per historic practice. There is limited acute neuro cover available, referrals in this area need discussion/ acceptance in advance by Consultant. There continues to be a hold on all acute admissions out-of-hours, with the exception of 1. oncology patients; and 2. post-operative patients, recently discharged from BSHC and referred with a complication of said surgery.
Urgent Endoscopy is being performed on a case by case basis. Radiology Services are now closed to Public patients Bone Density (DEXA) , Screening Mammograms until COVID restrictions have been lifted. The Oncology and Medical Day services incl. infusions are continuing. Phlebotomy services are now by apt. only. The Breast Clinic has resumed, priority will be given to urgent/suspicious cancer patients currently. If you are concerned about a patient currently under the care of one of the consultants at Bons Secours Cork please contact the suites directly, click here for a full listing, and check the Bon Secours Hospital Cork website for regular updates on https://www.bonsecours.ie/update-on-admissions_patients-covid-19 or directly to Karina Healy GP Liaison 0861451069.

Bon Secours Hospital Dublin
The Bon Secours Hospital Dublin is working closely with the RCSI hospital group to support the community requirements for medical care during the current COVID 19 outbreak. As a result many of the hospital services have been curtailed. The Medical Assessment Unit is currently closed. Urgent Endoscopy and urgent outpatient testing incl. Cardiology and Diagnostic imaging are being performed. Referrals can continue to be sent directly to the dept. or via Healthlink. No respiratory outpatient testing is being carried out. Oncology and Medical Day services incl. infusions are continuing. Phlebotomy services are now by apt. only. Many consultants are continuing to accept and manage patients for consultations. Referrals can be sent as usual via Healthlink. If you are concerned about a patient currently under the care of one of the Bon Secours Hospital Dublin consultants, please contact the individual consultant directly. The contact details for the consultants are available here. As the situation is very fluid, please check the Bon Secours Hospital Dublin website for regular updates on services - www.bonsecours.ie/update-on-patient-admissions-covid-19

Hermitage Clinic
From the 1st July, the Hermitage Medical Clinic will recommence providing services to private patients. Referrals can be forwarded via Healthlink or can be faxed or emailed directly to the consultant or department. Up-to-date contact details are available at http://www.hermitageclinic.ie
Please note that our Emergency Department will remain by appointment only and will be open from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm. It will be closed on Sundays. If your patient needs to attend our Emergency Department please phone 1800 645 999 in advance to speak to a member of our medical team and they will organise the next available appointment.
Our Phlebotomy Department will remain by appointment and can be emailed at phlebotomy@hermitageclinic.ie for appointments. All Radiology modalities (including x-ray) will continue to be by appointment only.
As some of our GP Educational Events were cancelled in the Spring, we organised two Summer Webinars (Respiratory and General Surgery Updates). If you would like to view them, they are available at www.medcafe.ie
As of now, our HMC GP Golf Day on the 24th Sept, is still going ahead. We will make a final decision at the start of September.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate contact Karen Walsh at kwalsh@hermitageclinic.ie or 01 6459216.

Highfield Healthcare
Highfield Healthcare’s general adult acute mental health services has expanded its inpatient and day hospital services and is open for referrals. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and with the support of private health insurers, we have introduced a number of measures to enable us to continue to provide both therapeutic group and one to one treatment options, remotely. All referrals will be triaged and, based on clinical need, will be offered admission to either the new “24 hour hospital at home” service or day hospital programme. We have put in place a range of Covid-19 prevention procedures and can also accommodate acute inpatient admissions in our Hampstead Clinic inpatient unit. In addition, we are also providing remote appointments for outpatients, using online, phone and video technologies. A member of the multidisciplinary healthcare team will contact the service users in advance of their appointments or admission, setting out details of the programme and supports that will be in place. Referrals and admissions service remain in operation for inpatient, day hospital and outpatient services.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of these treatment options prior to making a referral please contact Grainne McGrotty, Patient Services Officer on DL: 01 8865441. You can send online referrals directly from your practice management system; this is a secure and fast way to send referrals or contact us at referrals@highfieldhealthcare.ie (secure connection in place if sending from healthmail.ie address). For any further information please check out our website at www.highfieldhealthcare.ie.

Sports Surgery Clinic
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Sports Surgery Clinic has committed its facilities and resources to the HSE until further notice. Please note the following: A number of consultants will continue to see patients in their own suite or via digital conferencing. Please contact consultants suites directly or for any further information please contact gp@sportssurgeryclinic.com If you have any questions on the above please contact Fiona Roche on 01 526 2168.

St Patrick’s Mental Health Services
St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) has introduced a suite of measures and service updates in response to the COVID-19 crisis. All adult and adolescent referrals for inpatient care will be offered a new homecare inpatient service which provides the highest level of one-to-one treatment remotely, with service users receiving daily or more frequent contact and psychopharmacological input arranged with local pharmacies. Service users will only be physically admitted to hospital if their clinical mental health risk assessment determines it. SPMHS is also providing remote appointments for service users of its Dean Clinics and day service programmes, using online, phone and video technologies. Members of staff will be in touch with service users in advance of their appointments or sessions to make full arrangements. Click here for full details on these service updates on the SPMHS website. Its Referrals and Admissions Service remains in operation for inpatient and outpatient referrals. You can send online referrals directly from your practice management system; this is a secure and fast way to send referrals and a copy of the referral is automatically saved into your patient's records on your GP Practice System. SPMHS will continue to share updates on its website and in its GP-dedicated newsletter.

St Vincent’s Private Hospital
For the duration of the COVID -19 crisis can all symptomatic breast cancer patients that would under normal circumstances be referred to SVPH have their referral instead sent to Breast Check.

Waterstone Clinic
ESHRE have reviewed their guidelines, and this will enable patients to return to fertility treatment and testing once the Irish government’s restrictions are relaxed and lifted. Our clinics are COVID-FREE and we will be making every effort to remain so, with strict protocols for staff and patients so that treatments can be carried out safely. We will soon be able to update physicians and patients with the dates we can resume treatment for IVF/ICSI, IUI, OII, FET, and donor services etc. We are currently taking referrals and are intending to return to service from 5 May for fertility testing and in-person consultations. We will prioritise the patients whose treatments were cancelled, but will continue to take on new patients. Our large clinics have the capacity and space to do this safely. We will resume in stages and are looking forward to resuming treatments in this new normal.